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Why we do what we do.

The purpose of the Canadian Green Fund is to originate low-carbon energy and sustainability investment platforms for our investment partners. We strive to be the best at originating investment platforms that deliver positive change and exceptional returns across Canada.

Our ethos is Triple Bottom Line investing returns that measure: environmental returns; social returns (incl. jobs); governance issues ad financial returns. We refer to it as ESG+.


We believe in 'Impact Investing' and that it can provide superior results when meshed with appropriate analytic rigour.


Disciplined investors understand that 'making money' (i.e. profit, financial returns) cannot be a business goal - it can only be the positive outcome of diligent planning, research, analysis and execution of a goal.

We meld our experience, extensive research and rigorous analysis with discipline, focus and intuition to drive opportunities for our investors and triple bottom line returns.

Far too often 'alternative facts' are put forth that attempt to demonstrate that financial and/or business interests are contrary to the environment and vice versa. We strongly disagree.


We see both interests as completely complimentary and a powerful force when carefully combined. Getting to that understanding requires a different perspective.


Our investment platforms are founded on that perspective and it is the key element that focuses us in finding Triple-Bottom Line investment opportunities that meet environmental, social and governance criteria.

A reality check on investment into sustainable infrastructure

According to McKinsey's Global Institute analysis the world needs to invest an average of US $3.3 trillion annually just to support expected rates of growth in transportation, power, water and telecommunication systems and yet only US $2.5 trillion per year is actually being invested - a $800 Billion shortfall per year for all infrastructure categories.

The report further states that "if the current trajectory of underinvestment continues, the world will fall short by roughly 11 percent, or $350 billion a year." It goes on to say that "the size of the gap triples if the additional investment required to meet the new UN Sustainable Development Goals is included."

"Years of chronic underinvestment in critical areas such as transportation, water treatment and power grids are now catching up with countries around the world."


Canadian Green Fund believes that this substantial underinvestment provides unique opportunities for impact investors.

Quality, well-considered projects in communities across Canada continue to have considerable difficulty in obtaining the financing necessary to develop their projects.


Canadian Green Fund believes that quality long-term investment opportunities are to found in providing non-threatening, enabling capital to sustainable energy projects while remaining focused on enhanced returns for impact investors who expect Triple Bottom Line returns.

"Do not underestimate the determination of a quiet man."

- Iain Duncan Smith

* (OECD Policy Perspectives,

Green Investment Banks, Page 4)

“The secret to success lies in careful preparation followed by speedy and decisive execution.”
- Napoleon Bonaparte

investment platforms developed by:

The Exchange Tower

130 King Street West, Suite 1800

Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5X 1E3

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